Adeverință angajator, tradusă în limba engleză

Romanian Government

Employment Certificate

This is to certify that Mr. / Mrs. ………………………………………………………………………………

born on …………………………………….., in the city of ………………………………………………….

is an employee of …………………………………………………………………………………………….

with the head office in ……………………………………………………………………………………….

It is also certified that the above-mentioned person carries out the activity within our organization, in a time frame that is overlapping the one between 11.00 PM – 05.00 AM, at the following address/addresses





This certificate is valid for a period of ………… days starting from ………………………………………..

and it was issued to justify travelling between 11.00 PM – 05.00 AM.

Knowing the provisions of Article 326 of the Criminal Code regarding false statements, I certify, acting as the legal representative of ……………………………………………………………………………………

the fact that the information presented above is not false.


Date ……………………………….                                                    Legal representative

                                                                                                         Name ………………………………….

Surname ………………………………

Position ……………………………….

Signature ………………………………

*The employment certificate may be stored and presented for control on mobile electronic devices, provided that the document presented has the handwritten signature of the employer’s legal representative and the date on which the certificate was drawn up.

Traducere în limba engleză a HOTĂRÂRII nr. 52 din 05.11.2020 a CNSU

Textul de mai jos este traducerea în limba engleză a HOTĂRÂRII nr. 52 din 05.11.2020 privind combaterea efectelor pandemiei de COVID-19.




Coat of Arms of Romania

DECISION no. 52 of 05.11.2020

on the establishment of additional measures to be applied to prevent and combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic

Considering the epidemiological evolution on the Romanian territory until 05.11.2020,

taking into account the increase in the number of infected people nationally, as well as the daily increase in the number of new confirmed cases, poor implementation of prevention measures, organization of private events, intense interaction and mobility of people, aspects that generate constant pressure on management capacity of the administrative-territorial units and of the sanitary system,

in accordance with the provisions of Art. 4 paragraph (1) letter c) and d) and of Art. 81 of GEO. no. 21/2004 on the National Emergency Management System, with subsequent amendments and completions,

pursuant to the provisions of art. 4 and art. 11 paragraph (1) of Law no. 136/2020 republished, regarding the establishment of measures in the field of public health in situations of epidemiological and biological risk, art. 9 paragraph 1, art. 32 paragraph 2, art. 37, art. 41, art. 42 paragraph 1, art. 43 paragraph 1, art. 44 paragraph 2 and 3, art. 45 paragraph 1 and art. 71 of Law no. 55/2020 on some measures to prevent and combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, of art. 20 letter l) of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 21/2004 on the National Emergency Management System, approved with amendments and completions by Law no. 15/2005, with the subsequent amendments and completions, and of art. 2 and art. 4 of the Government Decision no. 94/2014 on the organization, functioning and members of the National Committee for Special Emergency Situations

The National Committee for Emergency Situations hereby adopts this


Art. 1 Starting with the date of this decision, in Romania, it is proposed to establish the obligation to wear a protective mask, so as to cover the nose and mouth, at national level, for all persons who have reached the age of 5, in all open and closed public spaces, regardless of the value of the cumulative incidence rate of cases in the last 14 days.

Art. 2 In order to avoid the congestion of public transport, it is proposed that all public institutions, as well as all public or private economic operators have the obligation to organize the activity and carry out the work schedule in telework conditions or work at home, and where the specificity of the activity does not allow this, to organize the work schedule so that the staff is divided into at least two groups to start, respectively to finish the activity at a difference of at least 2 hours. The observance of the application of this measure is followed by the prefects and by the Labour Inspectorate.

Art. 3 In order to prevent the spread of SARS-VOC-2 infections, it is proposed that, in all localities, teaching activities that require the physical presence of ante-preschoolers, preschoolers and students in schools to be carried out online.

Art. 4 – (1) In all localities in Romania, it is proposed to ban the travelling of persons outside the home / household between 11.00 PM – 05.00 AM.

(2) By way of exception from the provisions of paragraph (1), the travelling of persons outside the home is allowed between 11.00 PM and 05.00 AM for the following reasons:

  1. travel for professional purposes, including between home/household and the place(s) where the professional activity is carried out and back;
  2. travel for medical care that cannot be postponed or performed remotely, as well as for the purchase of medicines;
  3. travel outside the localities of persons who are in transit or make journeys whose time interval overlaps with the prohibition period such as those made by plane, train, coach or other means of passenger transport and which can be proved by ticket or any other way of paying for the trip;
  4. travel for justified reasons, such as caring for / accompanying the child, assisting the elderly, sick or disabled or the death of a family member.

Art. 5 (1) In order to verify the reason for the trip for professional purposes, the persons are obliged to present, upon the request of the staff of the competent authorities, the service card, the employment certificate issued by the employer or an affidavit;

(2) In order to verify the reason for travelling for personal purposes, the persons are obliged to present, upon the request of the staff of the competent authorities, an affidavit, filled up in advance;

(3) The affidavit must include the name and surname, date of birth, address of the home / household / location where the professional activity is carried out, reason for travel, date of its filling in and signature.

Art. 6 It is proposed to prohibit the holding of meetings on holidays, birthdays, parties in closed and/or open spaces, public and/or private.

Art. 7 (1) It is proposed to suspend the activity of agro-food markets in closed spaces, fairs, marts, mixed and peasant markets and flea markets, defined according to art. 7 paragraph (1) of the Government Decision no. 348/2004 on the exercise of trade of market goods and services in some public areas, as subsequently amended and supplemented.

(2) The activity of agro-food markets that can be organized in open public areas is allowed, in compliance with the norms of sanitary protection.

Art. 8 It is proposed that, for outdoor spaces where the preparation, serving and consumption of food, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages are carried out, which have been arranged and can be assimilated to closed public spaces, as they are defined in the Law for the prevention and control of the effects of the consumption of tobacco products no. 349/2002, with the subsequent amendments and completions, the rules and measures of sanitary protection, provided in annex no. 3, art. 6 points 1 and 2 of the Government Decision no. 856/2020 on the extension of the alert status on the Romanian territory starting with October 15th, 2020, are similarly applicable to them too, as well as the establishment of the measures applied during it to prevent and combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Art. 9 It is proposed to establish the obligation for economic operators carrying out trade activities/service deliveries in closed and/or open spaces, public and/or private to organize and carry out their activity between 05.00 AM – 09.00 PM.

(2) By way of exception from the provisions of paragraph (1), in the time interval 09.00 PM – 05.00 AM, the economic operators can activate only in the relation with the economic operators with home delivery activity.

(3) By way of exception from the provisions of paragraph (1), the pharmaceutical units, petrol stations and economic operators with home delivery activity may carry out their activity in normal working conditions, in compliance with the health protection norms.

Art. 10 It is proposed that the implementation of the measures provided for in this decision be carried out over a period of 30 days, following that at the end of it, depending on the evolution of the epidemiological situation, to be decided, as appropriate, to maintain, eliminate or modify them.

Art. 11 This decision is communicated to all components of the National Emergency Management System, for implementation by order and administrative acts of their managers.




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5 sfaturi pentru o utilizare optimă a Zoom

Zoom îți permite să te întâlnești virtual cu prietenii, membrii familiei și colegii de muncă. Cu doar câteva clicuri, persoanele pe care dorești să le vezi, apar pe ecran, gata să aibă un dialog de afaceri sau pur și simplu să se bucure de o discuție cu o persoană apropiată.

Lucrătorii la distanță folosesc adesea Zoom, dar acum devine cunoscut și pentru conectarea elevilor, familiilor și birourilor. Dacă nu ai folosit niciodată Zoom înainte, iată câteva tips & tricks pentru a face mult mai ușoară utilizarea aplicației de videoconferință.

  • Aplică un fundal sau un filtru în Zoom

Dacă spațiul tău de lucru de acasă nu este foarte ordonat, poți aplica un fundal pentru a ascunde dezordinea. Este ca și cum ai fi un post de știri cu un fundal fals, iar selecția de peisaje a lui Zoom poate adăuga un pic de culoare întâlnirilor tale. Funcția este ușor de utilizat, iar camera de pe telefon sau computer poate aplica fundalul chiar dacă nu stai în fața unui ecran verde.

  • Cum să utilizezi comenzile rapide în Zoom

Zoom are propriul set de comenzi rapide care te ajută să activezi și să dezactivezi rapid microfonul, să pornești sau să oprești camera și multe altele. Există o serie de comenzi rapide pe care le poți activa și utiliza, dar iată câteva dintre cele mai populare comenzi rapide pentru a te iniția în Zoom.

Activează sau dezactivează sunetul audio: Alt + A

Dezactivează întregul grup simultan: Alt + M

Pornește sau oprește videoclipul: Alt + V

Întrerupe sau reia partajarea ecranului: Alt + S

Începe înregistrarea unei întâlniri: Alt + R

Întrerupe sau reia înregistrarea ecranului: Alt + P

Comută camera: Alt + N

Ridică sau coboară mâna: Alt + Y

Deschide fereastra de invitație: Alt + I

  • Cum să înregistrezi și să transcrii apelul Zoom

Dacă ai un abonament Zoom mai avansat, cu înregistrare în cloud, poți înregistra audio întâlnirea. Inteligența artificială a Zoom te ajută să transcrii întâlnirea – completată cu marcaje de timp – și să salvezi transcrierea ca fișier text. vtt. Notele întâlnirii pot fi editate, dacă este necesar, pentru precizie.

Când vizionezi videoclipul întâlnirii, există chiar și o opțiune de a afișa transcrierea direct în videoclip, făcându-l să arate ca subtitrare.

Pasul 1: Deschide portalul web Zoom și conectează-te

Pasul 2: Dă clic pe Înregistrări din partea stângă și alege Înregistrări în cloud. Vei avea nevoie de un cont Premium Zoom pentru a utiliza această funcție.

Pasul 3: Activează transcrierea audio sub Înregistrări în cloud și salvează modificările.

Pasul 4: Când începi o întâlnire, asigură-te că apeși butonul Înregistrare și alegi Înregistrați în cloud.

Pasul 5: După încheierea întâlnirii, vei primi e-mailuri care te vor avertiza că înregistrarea în cloud și transcrierea ta sunt gata.

  • Configurează o sală de așteptare pentru o securitate sporită

Probabil ai auzit despre Zoombombing – când oaspeții nepoftiți îți strică întâlnirea Zoom și o întrerup. O modalitate de a preveni acest lucru este activând funcția Sală de așteptare, astfel încât să poți vedea cine încearcă să se alăture întâlnirii înainte de a le permite accesul.

Pentru aceasta, accesezi Gestionare cont> Setări cont. Dai clic pe Întâlnire, apoi clic pe Sală de așteptare pentru a activa setarea.

Dacă ai un cont Zoom plătit (cont minim Pro, plus un pachet webinar), poți adăuga traducerea simultană la întâlnirile tale.

Biroul nostru îți oferă unii dintre cei mai buni interpreți de conferință din țară.

Avantajele sunt evidente:

– toată lumea folosește Zoom.

– traducere simultană disponibilă în confortul casei sau al biroului.

– acest serviciu este ideal atunci când nu este posibil să ai un interpret la fața locului / în persoană, dar dorești totuși să ai o conexiune vizuală cu interpretul. 

Traducere în limba engleză a HOTĂRÂRII nr. 50 din 26.10.2020 a CNSU

Textul de mai jos este traducerea în limba engleză a HOTĂRÂRII nr. 50 din 26.10.2020 privind propunerea prelungirii stării de alertă și a măsurilor necesar a fi aplicate pe durata acesteia pentru prevenirea și combaterea efectelor pandemiei de COVID-19.





DECISION no. 50 of 26.10.2020

on the approval of the list of countries/areas with epidemiological risk for which the quarantine measure is established on the persons arriving in Romania from them and the clarification of some aspects regarding the application of the provisions of GD no. 856 of 14.10.2020 on the extension of the state of alert and the measures necessary to be applied during it to prevent and combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic

Considering the epidemiological evolution on the Romanian territory until 25.10.2020,

taking into account the persistence of an increased number of infected persons on the national territory, as well as the daily appearance of new cases of infected persons, aspects that generate a constant pressure on the management capacity of the administrative-territorial units and the health system,

in the context of the need to create the social and economic conditions necessary for the gradual relaunch of the national economy, while maintaining an adequate level of alert at the level of the components of the National Emergency Management System,

in accordance with Art. 4 paragraph (1) letters c) and d) and art. 81 of GEO. no. 21/2004 on the National Emergency Management System, with subsequent amendments and completions,

pursuant to the provisions of art. 4 and art. 11 paragraph (1) of Law no. 136/2020 republished, regarding the establishment of measures in the field of public health in situations of epidemiological and biological risk, art. 9 paragraph 1, art. 32 paragraph 2, art. 37, art. 41, art. 42 paragraph 1, art. 43 paragraph 1, art. 44 paragraph 2 and 3, art. 45 paragraph 1 and art. 71 of Law no. 55/2020 on some measures to prevent and combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, of art. 20 letter. l) of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 21/2004 on the National Emergency Management System, approved with amendments and completions by Law no. 15/2005, with the subsequent amendments and completions, and of art. 2 and art. 4 of the Government Decision no. 94/2014 on the organization, functioning and members of the National Committee for Special Emergency Situations,

The National Committee for Emergency Situations hereby adopts this


Art. 1 The list of countries/areas with high epidemiological risk for which the quarantine measure is established on persons arriving in Romania from them, provided in the annex hereof, is hereby approved.

Art. 2 The setup of restrictions on persons arriving from certain areas or countries with a high epidemiological risk shall apply 24 hours after the date of approval of the decision establishing them, and their lifting shall take place from the date of issuance of the decision.

Art. 3 In localities or counties where the wearing of a protective mask is mandatory in open spaces, it is allowed to remove it for short periods of time for smoking, consumption of food or beverages outside the terraces, as well as for individual sports or other such activities, only if the persons are outside the pedestrian traffic areas and at least 2 meters from other people.

Art. 4 This decision is communicated to all components of the National Emergency Management System, for implementation by order and administrative acts of their managers.



List of countries / areas with high epidemiological risk, according to Decision no. 50 of 26.10.2020 of the National Committee for Emergency Situations

Yellow Zone (quarantine at home / declared location for 14 days)



Cumulative incidence rate per 100,000 inhabitants*





Czech Republic




French Polynesia




The Netherlands
























Great Britain








Costa Rica










North Macedonia




Puerto Rico



*(data published by ECDC on Friday, October 24th, 2020)

Traducere în limba engleză a HOTĂRÂRII nr. 49 din 13.10.2020 a CNSU

Textul de mai jos este traducerea în limba engleză a HOTĂRÂRII nr. 49 din 13.10.2020 privind propunerea prelungirii stării de alertă și a măsurilor necesar a fi aplicate pe durata acesteia pentru prevenirea și combaterea efectelor pandemiei de COVID-19.




Coat of Arms of Romania


DECISION no. 49, dated October 13, 2020

on the proposal to extend the state of alert and the measures necessary to be applied to prevent and combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic

Considering the analysis of the risk factors regarding the management of the emergency situation generated by the SARS-CoV-2 virus on the Romanian territory as of October 11, 2020, carried out by the National Center for Coordination and Management of the Intervention,

taking into account the persistence of an increased number of infected persons on the national territory, as well as the daily appearance of new cases of infected persons, aspects that generate a constant pressure on the management capacity of the administrative-territorial units and the sanitary system,

in the context of the need to create the necessary socio-economic conditions in order to gradually relaunch the national economy, maintaining at the same tine an adequate alert level throughout the components of the National Emergency Management System,

taking into account the provisions of art. 7^1 of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 11/2020, regarding the medical emergency stocks, as well as some measures related to the establishment of the quarantine, approved with modifications and completions by the Law no. 20/2020, with subsequent amendments and completions, regarding the empowerment of the Secretary of State, Head of the Department for Emergency Situations within the Ministry of Internal Affairs to impose any necessary measures for situations where there is an imminent risk to the public health, as well as the provisions of the G.D. no. 557/2016 regarding the management of risk types,

in accordance with the provisions of art. 4 para. (1) letters c) and d) and art. 81 of the G.E.O no. 21/2004 regarding the National Emergency Management System, with the subsequent modifications and completions,

based on the provisions of art. 4 and art. 11 para. (1) of the Law no. 136/2020 republished, regarding the establishment of measures in the field of public health in situations of epidemiological and biological risk, art. 9 para. 1, art. 32 para. 2, art. 37, art. 41, art. 42 para. 1, art. 43 para. 1, art. 44 para. 2 and 3, art. 45 para. 1 and art. 71 of Law no. 55/2020 on some measures to prevent and combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, of art. 20 letter l) of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 21/2004 on the National Emergency Management System, approved with amendments and completions by the Law no. 15/2005, with the subsequent modifications and completions, and of art. 2 and art. 4 of the Government Decision no. 94/2014 on the organization, functioning and composition of the National Committee for Special Emergency Situations,

The National Committee for Emergency Situations adopts this


Art. 1 The alert state on the entire national territory is proposed to be extended, for a period of 30 days, starting with October 15, 2020.

Art. 2 The measures for the prevention and control of the infections generated by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, necessary to be adopted starting with October 15, 2020, in the current epidemiological context, are provided in Annex 1.

Art. 3 The list of countries/areas of high epidemiological risk for which the quarantine measure is instituted on persons arriving in Romania from these countries/areas, in force starting with October 15, 2020 is approved and is provided in Annex 2.

Art. 4 The art. 3 para. (1) of the Decision of the National Committee for Emergency Situations no. 36 /July 21, 2020 is complemented, with two new letters as follows:

  • “y) persons handed over to the Romanian authorities on the basis of the Readmission Agreements, returned in an accelerated procedure.”;
  • “z) employees/representatives of Romanian economic agents who travel outside Romania for negotiations/signing contracts/concluding trade agreements, if they present a negative test for SARS-CoV-2, performed no later than 48 hours before entering the national territory, as well as a document justifying the participation in the negotiation or the contract/trade agreement signed.”

Art. 5 The art. 3 of the Decision of the National Committee for Emergency Situations no. 36/21.07.2020 is complemented with a new paragraph after paragraph (3), as follows:

  • “(4) The SARS-CoV-2 tests requested according to the provisions of par. (1) and (2) must be carried out by authorized laboratories and the results must include the identification data of the persons for whom the tests were carried out.”

Art. 6 The art. 5 para. 1 of the Decision of the National Committee for Emergency Situations no. 36/21.07.2020 is amended and shall have the following content:

“(1) For special situations involving the participation in family events related to birth, marriage or death, travelling for medical interventions / treatments in cases that do not support postponement (e.g. oncological diseases, renal failure chronic – in a hemodialysis program), exchange of identity documents, leaving the country, performing the test provided in art. 3 paragraph (3) etc., the temporary suspension of the quarantine measure provided in art. 2 and art. 4 may be taken into consideration, based on supporting documents.”

Art. 7 This decision is communicated to all the components of the National Emergency Management System, for implementation by means of ordinances and administrative acts issued by their leaders.

Art. 8 Annexes 1 and 2 are an integral part of this decision.




Traducere în limba engleză a HOTĂRÂRII nr. 47 din 05.10.2020 a CNSU

Taking into account the complex situation created by the evolution of new contagion cases in Europe and the major implications determined by the entry into national territory of a high number of people from the countries/areas with high epidemiological risk,

Taking into account the daily progressive increase in the number of infected persons, predominantly in particular areas or localities, which creates a permanent pressure on the ability of the administrative-territorial units and of the healthcare system to manage the situation,

In accordance with the provisions of Art. 4 par. (1) letters c) and d) and of Art. 81 of Emergency Government Ordinance no. 21/2004 on the National Emergency Situations Management System, approved with amendments and completions through Law no. 15/2005 as subsequently amended and supplemented,

On the basis of the provisions of Art. 5 par. (2) letter (d), par. (3) letter (a) and of Art, 71 of Law no. 55/2020 on certain measures to prevent and combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, of Art. 4 and Art. 11 par (1) of Law no. 136/2020, republished, on instituting public health measures in situations of epidemiological and biological risk situations, of Art. 20 letter I) of the Emergency Government Ordinance no. 21/2004 on the National Emergency Situations Management System, approved with modifications and completions through Law no. 15/2005, as subsequently amended and supplemented and of Art. 2 and Art. 4 of Government Decision no. 94/2014 on the organization, function and composition of the National Committee for Special Emergency Situations.

The National Committee for Emergency Situations adopts the present


Art. 1(1) Approves the list of countries/areas with high epidemiological risk for which quarantine is instituted on persons coming to Romanian therefrom, in force as of 07.10.2020, as provided for in the Annex.

(2) Exempt from the measure provided for in par. (1) are the persons arriving in Romania from countries/areas with high epidemiological risk, if they remain on national territory for a period of less than 3 days (72 hours) and present a negative SARSCoV-2 test, carried out at most 48 hours prior to their entry on national territory.

(3) The persons arriving in Romania from the countries/areas with high epidemiological risk provided for in par. (1), and who go into quarantine for a period of 14 days, can leave quarantine after the 10th day if a SARS-CoV-2 test is performed on the 8th day of quarantine, and its result is negative, and if the person exhibits no specific symptomology.

Art. 2 The organization of religious celebrations is permitted only with the participation of persons domiciled or residing in the locality where the activity is taking place, without the participation of persons/pilgrims from other localities.

Art. 3 (1) The County/Bucharest Committees for emergency situations are required to hold an extraordinary meeting within 48 hours of the date of issuance of the present decision, in order to perform a detailed analysis of the epidemiological situation in every locality and issue an emergency decision on the measures to mitigate the risk impact in accordance with the legal provisions approved by the Government decisions and by those of the National Committee for Emergency Situations.

(2) If the cumulated incidence of county-level cases or of cases in one or more localities exceeds 1.5/1,000 inhabitants over the past 14 days, subsequent to the measures adopted in accordance with the provisions of par. (1), the County/Bucharest committees for emergency situations are required to hold an extraordinary meeting within 48 hours of the date when the aforementioned threshold is exceeded.

Art. 4 It is proposed that the winners of the September 2020 elections for mayors, presidents of the county committees and members of the local and county councils, be allowed the option to be sworn in as per Emergency Government Decision no. 57 of July 3rd 2019 on the Administrative Code, without their physical presence, by means of remote electronic means of communication, when the person concerned is in isolation or quarantine, under the law.

Art. 5 All public and private institutions as well as economic agents carrying out their activity in the localities where the cumulated incidence of cases exceeds 1.5/1,000 inhabitants over the past 14 days, are required to analyze the means of carrying out their activity by organizing the work schedule on a work-from-home/teleworking basis, and where this is not possible, the deferral of work schedule is recommended.

Art. 6 The present decision shall be notified to all components of the National Emergency Situations Management System, to be implemented by means of orders and administrative actions of the leaders of said components.




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Ziua Europeană a Limbilor

Pe 26 septembrie se celebrează ziua europeană a limbilor. Diversitatea lingvistică reprezintă cheia unei mai bune comunicări interculturale și este unul din elementele principale ale bogatului patrimoniu cultural al continentului.

Babylon Consult rămâne angajată să ajute la eliminarea barierelor lingvistice, prin gama lingvistică din portofoliu.

Peste 30 de limbi, inclusiv combinații dintre acestea:

Limbi de largă circulaţie

Engleză, Franceză, Germană, Italiană, Spaniolă, Rusă;

Alte limbi

Albaneză, Arabă, Bulgară, Cehă, Chineză, Croată, Daneză, Ebraică, Finlandeză, Greacă, Georgiană, Japoneză, Latină, Macedoneană, Maghiară, Norvegiană, Olandeză, Persană, Polonă, Portugheză, Sârbă, Slovacă, Suedeză, Turcă, Ucraineană, Vietnameză.

Trimite o întrebare echipei noastre de experți lingviști.

ATI-urile din spitale se bazează pe telemedicină, în plină criză COVID-19, în America

(Reuters) – Dat fiind că pandemia de coronaviroză se răspândește în orașele mici și zonele rurale ale Americii, Dr. Tallulah Holmstrom a văzut fețe familiare care au fost în secția ei de terapie intensivă din Camden, Carolina de Sud.

Tallulah Holmstrom, directorul medical, poartă echipament de protecție în secția ei de terapie intensivă și discută despre boala  produsă de coronavirus (COVID-19) cu Isabelle Kopec, medic de terapie intensivă din St. Louis, care monitorizează pacienți de la distanță în Statele Unite pentru Secția de terapie intensivă avansată, la spitalul KershawHealth în Camden, Carolina de Sud, S.U.A., 25 August, 2020. Kathryn Van Aernum, pentru KershawHealth/Handout, via REUTERS

Originară din acest sătuc cu 7000 locuitori, Holstrom a văzut cum secția de ATI era amenințată în ultimii ani cu desființarea, întrucât specialiștii au plecat în orașe mai mari.  Acum, medici aflați la distanță ajută la tratarea pacienților cu COVID-19 din comunitate, mulțumită tehnologiei.

KershawHealth, spitalul local, a instalat camere video și alte echipamente pentru a asigura monitorizare 24-ore de către o companie care angajează medici și asistente la distanță. Lucrând în cubicule în St. Louis, Houston și Honolulu, ca și din alte țări, cum sunt Israel și India, acest personal medical supraveghează semnele vitale ale pacienților pe ecrane ale calculatoarelor și discută cu personalul local prin apeluri video despre medicamente și tratamente. Angajații KershawHealth pot solicita ajutor de urgență de la acești tele-specialiști, prin apăsarea unui buton de pe perete.

Holmstrom a spus că acele schimbări au început în urmă cu patru ani, ajutând spitalul ei să gestioneze mai bine criza actuală. În timp ce Camden și zonele adiacente ale Kershaw County au avut mai mult de 1.600 infecții confirmate și 34 decese, tehnologia permițându-le multora dintre pacienții cu COVID-19 din zonă să fie spitalizați aproape de casă.

”Acum, un pacient poate privi din patul său de ATI de aici și o poate vedea pe fiica sau fiul unui prieten îngrijindu-l, sau pe cineva cu care merg la biserică,” a spus Holmstrom, directorul medical al KershawHealth.

Camden face parte din numărul tot mai mare de comunități care se bazează pe această formă elaborată de telemedicină, pentru a face față la numărul foarte mare de cazuri de COVID-19 și pentru a gestiona valurile impredictibile.

Cu mult înainte de criza actuală, părți extinse din zona rurală a Americii nu aveau acces la îngrijire medicală avansată. Peste 130 spitale rurale au fost închise în Statele Unite începând cu 2010, inclusiv 18 anul trecut, conform cercetătorilor de la Universitatea din Carolina de Nord.

Zonele rurale tind să aibă rate mai mari de afecțiuni cronice, așa cum sunt diabetul și hipertensiunea. Populațiile lor sunt deseori mai vârstnice și mai sărace – ceea ce le face mai vulnerabile la COVID-19.

Chiar dacă există paturi disponibile, este greu de găsit personal calificat. Se estimează că 43 state, inclusiv Carolina de Sud, se confruntă cu o lipsă de medici cu înaltă specializare de ATI, cunoscuți ca intensiviști, conform cercetătorilor de la Universitatea George Washington. Aceste situații se pot înrăutăți odată cu spitalizările în multe state, care sunt previzionate să ajungă la un maxim în această toamnă, atunci când coronavirusul se suprapune cu sezonul de gripă, conform Patricia Pittman, director al Institutului universitar Mullan pentru echitate pentru forța de muncă din sănătate.

”Nimeni nu sugerează că telemedicina este cea mai bună soluție, însă este, probabil, una dintre cele mai puțin proaste,” a declarat ea. ”Este cu siguranță mai bine decât să nu ai pe nimeni și să trimiți oamenii cu elicopterul.”


Aproximativ o treime dintre spitalele americane întrebate în 2017 au declarat că au avut acces la un program formal de telemedicină pentru pacienții foarte bolnavi. Studiile au arătat că telemedicina poate fi de folos pentru pacienții din secțiile de ATI, prin promovarea bunelor practici susținute de dovezi medicale și prin reducerea complicațiilor. În timpul pandemiei, spun medicii, a ajutat la economia de echipament de protecție și a redus expunerea personalului la virus.

Pot exista, de asemenea, și dezavantaje, dacă medicii încearcă să monitorizeze prea mulți pacienți în același timp, fapt care poate conduce la decizii slabe sau chiar la erori medicale. Tele-ATI necesită, în general, ca medicii care lucrează de la distanță șă aibă un atestat, în fiecare stat unde sunt persoane spitalizate.

Administrația Trump a simplificat regulile referitoare la telemedicină în timpul pandemiei și a extins rambursarea prin Medicare. Acțiuni ale companiilor de telemedicină, precum Teladoc Health Inc, au crescut, pacienții bucurându-se de consultațiile online.

Sutter Health, un spital mare din California, a declarat că gestionează peste 300 paturi de ATI, în 18 spitale din Sacramento și din San Francisco.

La începutul acestei luni, în centrul din Sacramento, Dr. Vanessa Walker a verificat de la distanță un pacient care fusese scos de pe ventilator mai devreme în acea zi, la spitalul Sutter’s Roseville, la aproximativ 25 mile depărtare. Utilizând niște căști și o cameră video, ea a apăsat pe numele pacientului pe ecranul său, ceea ce a determinat un zgomot de sonerie pentru a notifica pacientul că ea avea să se conecteze în salon via video.

”Nu vă obosiți. Altfel, sunteți bine,” i-a spus ea pacientului.

Walker, directorul medical al departamentului de ATI electronic al Sutter, pentru spitalele sale din California, Central Valley, a avut o gamă largă de informații prin cele șase monitoare de pe biroul său. Ea putea vedea dosare medicale și multiple evaluări ale plămânilor pacienților, înainte și după tratament.


Cum tehnologia este în dezvoltare, grupurile pentru siguranța pacienților avertizează spitalele să nu se grăbească. Acestea spun că o cameră video și un calculator nu pot înlocui specialiștii pregătiți, care stau lângă pacient și pot acționa rapid în cazul complicațiilor care amenință viața.

Grupul Leapfrog, o organizație nonprofit care monitorizează siguranța pacienților, recomandă ca un medic certificat în terapie intensivă să facă o evaluare în persoană, zilnic, a fiecărui pacient din secția de ATI, înainte de a transfera monitorizarea către colegii aflați la distanță Grupul susține că medicii la distanță ar trebui să aibă mai puțini pacienți, dacă nu pot răspunde solicitărilor de la personalul din teritoriu în mai puțin de cinci minute și evalua pacientul.

Steve Burrows, un scenarist din Los Angeles, rămâne sceptic.

El a spus că mama sa a suferit complicații în timpul unei operații la șold, în 2009, și a suferit leziuni cerebrale permanente în timpul operației și în secția de ATI a spitalului Wisconsin.

În timpul procesului, el a aflat că medicul monitoriza de la distanță peste 150 pacienți din secții de ATI, și nu era niciun medic în secția de ATI, care ar fi putut acționa la tensiunea scăzută a mamei lui. El a făcut, în 2018, un documentar HBO, ”Bleed Out”, despre cazul mamei sale.

”Telemedicina este fantastică, dacă este utilizată corespunzător,” a declarat el într-un interviu. ”Însă cred că înlocuirea medicilor de la capul bolnavului, cu tehnologie, este o nebunie.”

La proces, juriul a considerat că nu a fost nicio neglijență a spitalului. Avocatul Aurora Health, actualul deținător al spitalului, după o fuziune, a declarat că ATI electronice “nu înlocuiesc personalul de la capul bolnavului. În schimb, servesc ca pereche de ochi suplimentară, care asigură încă un strat de siguranță”


Advanced ICU Care, compania din St. Louis care deservește Camden, lucrează cu peste 90 spitale, în 26 state. Per total, aceasta a tratat peste 1.300 pacienți cu COVID-19.

”Acești pacienți au nevoie permanent de atenție și de ajustări continue. În asta constă mare parte din ceea ce facem noi,” a declarat Dr. Ram Srinivasan, directorul medical al companiei.

Carolina de Sud rămâne un focar de infecții cu coronavirus, cu peste 126.000 cazuri și 2.877 decese confirmate, conform datelor din 11 septembrie.

Primele două cazuri de COVID-19 din acest stat au fost anunțate în aceeași zi de la începutul lui martie, ca și cel din Camden, un loc atât de rural, unde li se amintește oamenilor prin semne să nu călărească pe trotuar.

Holmstrom, directorul medical de la KershawHealth, a primit un telefon anunțând vestea, în timp ce conducea spre casă, în acea zi de vineri, 6 martie. În următoarele zile, au fost șase oameni infectați și patru au fost spitalizați.

Secția de ATI din Camden a fost aproape plină timp de săptămâni, timp în care personalul medical gestiona pacienții cu COVID-19, alături de fluxul normal de pacienți grav bolnavi. Spitalizările au scăzut în jurul Zilei memoriale, a zis Holmstrom, dar au crescut din nou în iulie și mare parte din august.

”Atunci când ești un oraș atât de mic și se îmbolnăvesc 32 oameni într-o singură zi, asta înseamnă mult,” a declarat Vic Carpenter, administratorul Kershaw County.

Holmstrom, care s-a născut la spitalul unde lucrează acum, a trecut prin episoade mai bune și mai puțin bune. Un prieten apropiat, care a petrecut șase săptămâni în spital, este acum recuperat complet. Holmstrom a stabilit, pentru alții, apeluri video pentru a-și lua rămas bun de la familiile lor.

KershawHealth se pregătește pentru un nou val în această toamnă, atunci când va apela din nou la medicii la distanță, pentru a ajuta personalul ocupat al spitalului.

”Este ca și cum cineva din spate supraveghează totul cu grijă, așa cum faci tu,” a declarat Holmstrom.

Sursa articolului tradus de Babylon Consult din limba engleză:

Reportaj realizat de Chad Terhune în Los Angeles; Reportaj suplimentar realizat de Nathan Frandino în Sacramento; Editare efectuată de Marla Dickerson.

Traducere medicală realizată de Babylon Consult.

LEGE nr. 136 din 18 iulie 2020 privind instituirea unor măsuri în domeniul sănătății publice în situații de risc epidemiologic și biologic – tradusă în limba engleză

În textul de mai jos aveți tradusă în limba engleză legea nr. 136 din 18 iulie 2020 privind instituirea unor măsuri în domeniul sănătății publice în situații de risc epidemiologic și biologic.

LAW 136 of July 18th 2020

On instituting public health measures in epidemiological and biological risk situations


Published in THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE no. 634 of July 18th 2020

The Parliament of Romania passes the present law.

Article 1

The present law regulates certain necessary temporary public health measures in epidemiological and biological risk situations, to prevent entry of and contain infectious and contagious diseases in the Romanian territory.  

Article 2

The measures provided by the present law are ordered and implemented in the situations provided for in Art. 1, exclusively to protect public health, respecting the fundamental rights and liberties of the citizens and the public order. All measures provided for under this law shall be proportional to the situation they are determined by, limited in time thereto and applied indiscriminately.

Article 3

In the context of this law, the terms and notions used have the following meaning:

a) individual quarantine – measure to prevent the spread of infectious and contagious diseases, consisting in the physical separation of individuals suspected of being infected or carrying a highly pathogenic agent from others, in areas specially designated by the authorities, at home or at the location stated by the quarantined individual, measure established by individual motivated decision of the public health department, which shall contain particulars regarding the date and issuer of the document, name and identification data of the individual quarantined, duration of the measure and the remedy provided for by law;

b) zonal quarantine – measure to prevent the spread of infectious and contagious diseases, aiming to physically separate individuals and activities, including limiting traffic in an area affected by an infectious and contagious disease from the surrounding areas, so as to prevent the spread of infection or contamination outside of that area;

c) isolation – measure consisting of the physical separation of individuals affected by an infectious and contagious disease, or of the carriers of the highly pathogenic agent, even if they do not exhibit indicative signs and symptoms, at home, at the location stated by the isolated individual, in a healthcare unit or at an alternative location attached to the healthcare unit, for health monitoring and treatment, as applicable, measure instituted for the purpose of healing and reduction of the contagion degree on the basis of the individuals’ consent, or, in the absence thereof, by individual motivated decision of the public health department, which shall contain particulars regarding the date and issuer of the document, name and identification data of the individual isolated, duration of the measure and the remedy provided for by law;

d) imminent risk – immediate threat or high probability of spread of a highly pathogenic agent within the human population, which can severely impact human health and life;

e) contamination – presence of a highly pathogenic agent on the surface of a human or animal body, in or on a product prepared for consumption or other objects, including means of transport, which can constitute an epidemiological and biological risk;

f) official scientific information – data offering evidence based on scientific methods, established and transmitted by international or national institutions specializing in healthcare, and accepted by the Ministry of Health;

g) infection – penetration and growth or multiplication of an infectious agent in the human or animal body, which can constitute a public health risk;

h) public health measures – specific prevention, limitation and response measures applied in order to stop the spread of disease or contamination;

i) ill person – individual suffering from an infectious and contagious disease exhibiting indicative signs and symptoms specific to the case definition, or individual carrying a highly pathogenic agent, even without exhibiting indicative signs and symptoms upon objective clinical examination, but who is an epidemiological and biological risk

j) epidemiological risk – probability of occurrence of an event generated by a highly pathogenic agent that can affect population health, with the possibility of spreading at local, county, national, European or international level;

k) biological risk – probability of occurrence of an effect on human health caused by the accidental or intentional dissemination of a highly pathogenic agent;

l) suspected person – individual originating from the area where there is an epidemic, epidemiological or biological risk, who is possibly infected with a highly pathogenic agent, in the incubation period, based on scientific evidence, or individual who has come in contact with an infected person or with goods contaminated with the highly pathogenic agent, until the incubation period is over or until exhibiting clinical or paraclinical signs or symptoms of the disease;

m) public health emergency of international significance – an unusual event which, according to the 2005 International health regulations, approved by the General Assembly of the World Health Organization and implemented by Government Decision no. 758/2009, constitutes a public health risk and demands a potential coordinated international response;

n) epidemic – expansion of an infectious and contagious disease through contamination, at an unusual rate, to a large number of people relative to the particular risk of said disease, in a given area;

o) pandemic – expansion of an epidemic on several continents;

p) communicable disease – disease determined by the invasion of the body tissues by highly pathogenic agents, their multiplication and the reaction of the host tissue to them and to the toxins they produce, which can be transmitted from a source/environment to an individual or from one individual to another;

q) population – a group of people presenting one or more common traits;

r) control bodies – bodies established in accordance to applicable legal regulations, with attributes to assess and monitor the compliance of the authorities or individuals concerned with the measures provided for under this law, in situations of epidemiological and biological risk;

s) area designated by the authorities – location that fulfils the minimum accommodation conditions and is established by the authorities for individual quarantine, under the present law;

ș) alternative location attached to the healthcare unit – area which provides healthcare and belongs to a key healthcare unit, used for individual isolation purposes, in accordance with the present law, such as but without limitation to hotel accommodation units or other specially designated areas.

Article 4

The measures provided for in Art. 7 apply to populations deemed susceptible to be an epidemiological and biological risk to public health by the National Committee for Emergency Situations, and, in individual cases, by motivated decision of the public health department, which shall contain  particulars regarding date and issuer of the document, name and identification data of the individual quarantined, duration of the measure and the remedy provided for by law. The measures and populations are established by the National Committee for Emergency Situations, on the basis of the proposal by the Technical and scientific support group regarding the management of highly contagious disease on Romanian territory.

Article 5

(1) The central and local public administration authorities can make available specially designated areas or alternative locations attached to healthcare units, for individuals in quarantine or isolation, as applicable.

(2) The central and local public administration authorities which do not own or manage the areas mentioned in par. (1) can conclude rental agreements for buildings to this end.

(3) Quarantine in areas specially designated by the competent authorities is carried out in the following cases:

a) if the individuals for which the quarantine is established declare at their own risk that they cannot meet the physical separation conditions at home or at the location stated by them;

b) if the individual does not respect the entire quarantine period at home or at the stated location, in spite of having agreed to it at the date of establishment.

(4) The expenses incurred during quarantine in specially designated areas for the situations provided for in par. (3) letter a) are covered by the budget of the Ministry of Health, approved to that end.

(5) The individuals who do not respect the quarantine at home or at the location stated, are required to cover the quarantine expenses in the areas specially designated by the authorities. The expenses incurred for their quarantine are covered by the Ministry of Health from the budged approved to that end, and are recovered from the individuals concerned.

(6) By way of derogation from the provisions of Art. 297 of Emergency Government Ordinance  no. 57/2019 concerning the Administrative Code, as subsequently amended and supplemented, the assets in the public domain of the State and managed by the Ministry of Youth and Sport by means of the county departments for sport and youth can be used to quarantine individuals under the conditions provided for by the present law. The expenses incurred for the quarantine process are covered by the state budget, by means of the Ministry of Youth and Sport budget. The Ministry of Public Finance shall supplement the budget of the Ministry of Youth and Sport accordingly, with the amounts corresponding to the expenses incurred in the quarantine process.

(7) The detailed rules to establish the minimum conditions of the accommodation areas and the cost standards are approved by Government decision within a maximum of 30 days from the entry into force of the present law.

Article 6

The epidemiological and biological risk situations for which the measures provided for in this law are established, are as follows:

a) epidemic declared by order of the ministry of health;

b) public health emergency of international significance, certified by decision of the National Committee for Emergency Situations, on the basis of the statement by the World Health Organization;

c) pandemic declared by the World Health Organization and certified by decision of the National Committee for Emergency Situations;

d) the imminent epidemiological and biological risk identified and ascertained by the institutions under the coordination of the Department for Emergency Situations or by the institutions subordinated to the Ministry of Health.

Article 7

(1) Quarantine is instituted on the basis of the official scientific information and of the case definition, at the individual’s residence, at a location stated by the latter or, if applicable, in an area specially designated by the authorities, with respect to individuals suspected of being infected or carrying a highly pathogenic agent, and who:

a) arrive from areas where the epidemiological risk is high, based on epidemiological data transmitted at national, European and international level by competent bodies in the field

b) have come in direct contact with at least one individual confirmed to have an infectious and contagious disease.

(2) If the individuals mentioned in par. (1) refuse quarantine at home or at the location stated by them, as well as when the individuals concerned breach the quarantine term, in spite of having previously agreed to it, the physician or, if applicable, the control bodies recommend, and the public health department representative decides to quarantine said individuals in the area specially designated by the authorities, should they determine there is a risk of transmission of an infectious and contagious disease with imminent risk of community transmission. The physician or, if applicable, the control bodies, shall inform the county public health department or the Bucharest public health department immediately, who shall confirm or rule out, by individual decision, the quarantine of the individuals in the area specially designated by the authorities. The decision shall contain particulars regarding the date and issuer of the document, name and identification data of the individual quarantined, duration of the measure and the remedy provided for by law. The decision is issued at the latest 8 days after the briefing with the physician or the control bodies, as applicable, and is communicated immediately to the individual concerned. In order to prevent the spread of the infectious and contagious disease, until such time as the decision of the public health department, ruling out the recommended quarantine in the area specially designated by the authorities, has been communicated, or, as applicable, until the decision of the court of first instance has been communicated, the individual concerned cannot leave his/her residence, the location stated by him/her for quarantine or, as applicable, the area specially designated by the authorities, without the consent of the physician or of the public health representative.

(3) The measure provided for in par. (1) and (2) is instituted for the duration of the incubation period specific to the suspected infectious and contagious disease. The measure ends at the expiry of the term corresponding to the incubation period, or before, following a confirmation of the individual as carrier of the highly pathogenic agent, with or without exhibiting indicative signs and symptoms specific to the case definition, in which case the provisions regarding isolation in the present law shall apply thereto.

(4) The list of areas specially designated by the authorities to quarantine individuals are established by Government decision, under the present law.

(5) Zonal quarantine is instituted for individuals and activities carried out in the perimeter affected by epidemiological and biological risk situations provided for in Art. 6.

Article 8

(1) Isolation is instituted for ill persons, with indicative signs and symptoms specific to the case definition, as well as for carriers of the highly pathogenic agent, even if they do not exhibit indicative signs and symptoms.

(2) The list of infectious and contagious diseases for which isolation at home, at the location stated or, if applicable, in healthcare units or in alternative locations attached thereto is instituted, as well as the list of key healthcare institutions treating ill persons are established by Government decision. To ensure correct balance between the need to prevent the spread of an infectious and contagious disease with imminent risk of community transmission and the individuals’ right to freedom, isolation is instituted depending on the infectious and contagious disease, established in accordance to this paragraph, and respecting the following standards, necessary for the exercise of fundamental rights and freedoms:

  1. a) the measure should be ordered for a limited period, indiscriminately and proportionally to the state of affairs that determined it;
  2. b) the measure should aim at preventing the spread of an infectious and contagious disease that threatens the safety of individuals and public health;
  3. c) the measure should be ordered to protect public interest and not to cause an imbalance between the need to protect public health and the necessity to respect individual freedom.

(3) Isolation of the individuals provided for in par. (1) is ordered with the consent of the individuals under examination, and in the absence thereof, under the conditions of par. (6), when the physician determines the risk of transmission of an infectious and contagious disease with imminent risk of community transmission, in a healthcare unit, or, as applicable, in an alternative location attached to the healthcare unit, established according to par. (2), for the purpose of carrying out clinical, paraclinical tests and biological assessments, until the receipt of the results, but for no longer than 48 hours.

(4) No later than upon the expiry of the 48 hour term, based on the clinical and paraclinical tests and if the risk of transmission of the infectious and contagious disease with a risk of community transmission is maintained, the physician recommends extending the isolation in a healthcare unit or in an alternative location attached to the healthcare unit or, if applicable, at the individual’s residence or at the location stated by him/her.

(5) Isolation at home or at the stated location is ordered if the risk of contaminating other people or spreading the infectious and contagious disease is low. Isolation at home or at the stated location cannot be ordered if the scientific information concerning the type of the highly pathogenic agent, the transmission path and the transmission rate require isolation of the individuals exclusively in a healthcare unit or an alternative location attached thereto.

(6) If the individuals provided for in par. (1) refuse the isolation measure ordered in accordance with par. (3), after recording the individual’s refusal, the physician informs the county or Bucharest public health department immediately, and the latter, no later than within two hours, issues the decision confirming or ruling out the isolation measure recommended by the physician, in the healthcare unit, or at an alternative location attached thereto. The decision is individual and is communicated immediately to the individual concerned. The decision shall contain particulars regarding the date and issuer of the document, name and identification data of the isolated individual, duration of the measure and the remedy provided for by law.  In order to prevent the spread of the infectious and contagious disease, until such time as the court of first instance communicates the decision to nullify the contested administrative action, the individual concerned cannot leave the location where he/she is being isolated without the consent of the physician or of the public health department representative.  

(7) If the individuals provided for in par. (1) refuse the isolation measure extended and recommended in accordance with par. (4) or if the individuals breach the isolation period at home or at the stated location, in spite of having previously agreed to it, the physician or the control bodies, as applicable, shall inform the county or Bucharest public health department immediately, which can confirm or rule out the isolation  measure in a healthcare unit or at an alternative location attached thereto, by means of an individual decision. The decision shall be issued no later than two hours after the briefing from the physician or the control bodies, as applicable, and is communicated immediately to the individual concerned. The decision shall contain particulars regarding the date and issuer of the document, name and identification data of the isolated individual, duration of the measure and the remedy provided for by law. In order to prevent the spread of the infectious or contagious disease, until such time as the public health department communicates the decision ruling out the measure to extend the isolation in the healthcare unit or at an alternative location, or, if applicable, until the court of first instance communicates its decision, the individual concerned cannot leave the location where he/she is being isolated without the consent of the physician or of the public health department representative.

(8) The isolation established in accordance with par. (4) ends on the date the individual is confirmed as healed based on clinical and paraclinical examinations or on the physician’s recommendations, who determines that there is no longer any risk of disease transmission.

(9) If the individual mentioned in par. (1) is a minor, isolation is established for the latter in accordance with par. (3) and (4), as appropriate, at the guardian’s residence or at the location stated by the latter. The isolation of the minor in a healthcare unit or at an alternative location attached thereto, is established in accordance with the applicable regulations. The minor’s guardian is submitted to quarantine under the present law if the isolation measure does not apply to him/her.

Article 9

(1) When the quarantine or isolation measure has been taken with respect to an individual who is in charge of a minor, an incapacitated person, a person who has tutorship or trusteeship or a person who is left without care or supervision due to age, illness or other causes, the parent, legal guardian, medical personnel or public health department representative informs social services, for monitoring purposes, and, if required, to take legal measures for the temporary protection of the individuals concerned.

(2) The monitoring and, if applicable, the temporary protection measures for the individuals provided for in par. (1) can only be ordered for as long as they are unsupervised and without care, and shall not have the effect of rightful suspension of the exercise of parental or legal guardianship rights.

(3) The monitoring and, if applicable, the temporary protection measures for the individuals provided for in par. (1) cannot be ordered if the parent or legal guardian has designated another family member or person of reference to supervise and care for the individuals provided for in par. (1), and if the latter has accepted to temporary exercise the supervision and care of the individuals concerned.

(4) The general directorates for social assistance and child protection shall take measures to make available for the individuals provided for in par. (1) appropriate residential locations and specialized personnel, according to the age and state of health of the protected individuals, for the entire time they remain without supervision and care.

Article 10

In the situations provided for in art. 6 and only if there is imminent risk, on a proposal from the National Public Health Institute and respecting the International health regulations, the ministry of health shall order the manner of enforcement of the measures provided for herein, with a view to prevent and contain infections with the highly pathogenic agent.

Article 11

(1) Quarantine for individuals arriving in Romania from areas with high epidemiological risk or for individuals who have come in direct contact with the infected persons, in the situations of epidemiological risk provided for in art. 6, is ordered by decision of the National Committee for Emergency Situations, on a proposal from the Technical and scientific support group regarding the management of highly contagious diseases on Romanian territory, and is implemented by orders of the ministry of health and of the subordinated units.

(2) For situations with high imminent epidemiological and biological risk, the head of the Department for Emergency Situations or the person designated by the latter shall order the measures provided for in Art. 7 par. (1) and (2). These must be validated no later than within 48 hours by the National Committee for Emergency Situations.

(3) The decision of the National Committee for Emergency Situations is administrative action and can be contested under the conditions of the present law.

Article 12

(1) Zonal quarantine is instituted by order of the head of the Department for Emergency Situations or of the person designated by the latter, on the basis of a decision of the county committee for emergency situations, on a proposal from the territorial public health department and with the approval of the National Institute of Public Health.

(2) By way of derogation from the provisions of par. (1), if the measure is aimed at two or more neighboring counties, the zonal quarantine is imposed by order of the head of the Department for Emergency Situations or by the person designated by the latter, on a proposal from the National Institute of Public Health and with the approval of the National Committee for Emergency Situations within a maximum of 48 hours.

(3) The measures provided for in par. (1) and (2) are established when, based on assessment, it is determined that the risk of community spread cannot be controlled by other means, and the percentage of infections exceeds the threshold established by the National Institute of Public Health.

(4) In the case of a biological accident, the zonal quarantine provided for in par. (1) and (2) can be established temporarily, until the impact of the highly pathogenic agent can be established and, if applicable, the effects are eliminated.

(5) Public order in the areas specially designated by the authorities for quarantine, as well as in the healthcare units or in the alternative locations attached thereto designated for isolation, provided for by the present law, is ensured both outside and inside by the local police. If there is no constituted local police or if its effects are insufficient, public order is ensured by the Romanian Military Police or by the Romanian Police, as applicable.

Article 13

The National Institute of Public Health is required to give a daily account of the number of new cases, retested cases and total number of tests for the new and retested cases, reported separately, at national and county level, including on the basis of test subject residence, for the entire duration of the epidemiological and biological risk situation, in order to prevent the entry of and limit the spread of infectious and contagious diseases on national territory.

Article 14

The central or local public authorities are required to ensure food or, if applicable, treatment for the individuals quarantined or isolated at home or at the stated location, based on individual age and state of health, as well as to deliver them, if the individuals are unable to procure food or treatment, as applicable. The maximum limits for these expenses, which shall be covered by the budget of the Ministry of Health, by means of the administrative and territorial units, shall be established by Government decision.

Article 15

(1) The orders of the head of the Department for Emergency Situations or of the person designated by the latter, issued under the present law, shall be implemented immediately by the competent authorities and published on the official websites of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Department for Emergency Situations and General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations. The central and local public authorities shall ensure that the citizens in the quarantined areas are informed by means of information campaigns.

(2) The regulatory orders of the head of the Department for Emergency Situations or of the person designated by the latter, issued under the present law, are published immediately in the Romanian Official Gazette, Part I.

(3) The orders of the head of the Department for Emergency Situations or of the person designated by the latter can be contested before the competent court, under the present law, by any individual who considers that his/her right or legitimate interest has been violated.

(4) All regulatory administrative actions regarding the establishment, amendment or cessation of the measures in the present law can be contested by any individual who considers that his/her right or legitimate interest has been violated, by applying for annulment before the competent court, on grounds of illegality and lacking factual basis, within 5 days of the administrative action being published in the Romanian Official Gazette or of the individual taking note of the content of said action, if it has not been published.

(5) The petition for annulment shall be formulated in writing and submitted with the competent court of law.

(6) The court with jurisdiction to settle the petition for annulment formulated against the administrative actions shall be the court of appeal, administrative and fiscal disputes department, of the area where the issuing authority is located.

(7) In the resolution of the legal actions brought against the administrative actions in the present law, the provisions of the Law on administrative litigation no. 554/2004, as subsequently amended and supplemented, regarding the requirement of the prior complaint procedure do not apply. The petitions are put on expedited trial and in particular, the provisions of art. 200 of Law 134/2010 regarding the Code of Civil Procedure, republished, as subsequently amended and supplemented, do not apply.

(8) The parties shall be summoned in accordance with the provisions regarding expedited trial summons.

(9) The statement of defense is mandatory. The judge issues a resolution ordering the disclosure of the petition and of the documents filed by the defendant, who is made aware that he/she is required to file a statement of defense, as well as of the file that was the basis for the issuing of the administrative action, under the sanction provided for by law, which shall be expressly indicated within a maximum of two days from the disclosure of the petition. The statement of defense and the aforementioned file shall be disclosed to the claimant at least 3 days before the first trial date.

(10) The petition for annulment is resolved following the expedited trial and in particular, within a maximum of 15 days from the date of initiation of the court proceedings, with panels of at least 3 judges.

(11) The court may order by default that any evidence necessary for the resolution of the case be examined.

(12) The first trial date is no later than 5 days after the date when the petition for annulment was recorded, and the subsequent dates cannot exceed 10 days in total.

(13) If the claimant is subject to an individual action issued in accordance with the provisions of the present law, ordering one of the measures provided for in Art. 7 or 8, as applicable, and if this circumstance arises from the documents submitted, the resolution of the case shall include the hearing of the claimant, except in the case where his/her state of health forbids it. The hearing of the claimant shall be carried out by means of audiovisual telecommunication which allows for the verification of the identities of the parties, and which guarantees the security, integrity, confidentiality and quality of the transmission. In case of technical or material impossibility to use such means for the hearing of the claimant, said hearing shall be carried out by any electronic means of communication, including telephone, which allows for the verification of the identity of the parties and guarantees the security, integrity, confidentiality and quality of the transmission. The summons shall include the appropriate indication to that end. The minutes of the proceedings shall also record the actions thus carried out.

(14) If the claimant is assisted or represented by a lawyer or if it is necessary to use a translator or interpreter, it is not necessary for the latter to be present with the claimant. The costs incurred by the presence of the translator or interpreter are covered by the budget of the Ministry of Justice.

(15) If the claimant hearing cannot be carried out under the conditions provided for in par. (13) and if he/she has no chosen defender, one shall be appointed to him/her by the court.

(16) The court shall ensure that the proceedings provided for in the present article are carried out in good conditions, in order to respect the right to a fair hearing and the contradictory nature of the proceedings.

(17) The judgement can be postponed by no more than 24 hours, and the reason for judgement is given no later than 48 hours after the judgement.

(18) The judgement of the court of first instance can be appealed no later than two days after the notification. In order to resolve the appeal, the file is submitted to the High Court of Cassation and Justice that same day, in writing or electronic format.

(19) The High Court of Cassation and Justice shall adjudicate in panels of 5 judges, within 5 days of the complaint, by final judgement.  

(20) The final judgement to annul the regulatory administrative action is published in the Romanian Official Gazette within 24 hours of the adjudication, in accordance with the procedure provided for in Art. 23 of Law 554/2004, as subsequently amended and supplemented.

(21) The regulatory administrative actions provided for in par. (4) are part of the category of documents provided for in Art. 5 par. (3) of Law 554/2004, as subsequently amended and supplemented, and the provisions of Art. 14 or 15, as applicable, of the aforementioned law shall not apply to the proceedings brought against them.

Article 16

(1) Any individual who considers that his/her right or legitimate interest has been violated by an individual administrative action issued in accordance with Art. 8 par. (3) can lodge a complaint with the court in his/her district of domicile or residence, or with the court in the district where the area or healthcare unit where he/she is being isolated is located, requesting the annulment of the action. The petitions are exempt from the payment of the legal stamp duty.

(2) The judgement on the petitions provided for in par. (1) is passed within a maximum of 24 hours of the complaint being brought before the court, and the provisions of Art. 200 of law 134/2010 regarding the Code of civil procedure, republished, as subsequently amended and supplemented, do not apply.

(3) The parties shall be summoned in accordance with the provisions regarding expedited trial summons, so as to ensure that the trial date provided for in par. (2) is respected, and legal counsel for the individual is mandatory.

(4) The court cannot postpone the judgement, and the ruling shall be written down immediately.

(5) The provisions of Art. 15 par. (13)-(16) apply accordingly.

(6) The court order is final.

(7) The disclosure of the procedural documents, including the recording of the complaint are carried out in electronic format and using electronic means.

Article 17

(1) Any individual who considers that his/her right or legitimate interest has been violated by an individual administrative action issued in accordance with Art. 7 or 8 par. (4) can lodge a complaint, no later than 24 hours after the communication of the decision of the public health department, with the court in his/her district of domicile or residence, or with the court in the district where the area or healthcare unit where he/she is being quarantined or isolated, as applicable, is located, in accordance with Art. 7 or 8 par. (4), requesting the annulment of the contested administrative action, its revision or the cessation of the measure. The petitions are exempt from the payment of the legal stamp duty.

(2) The petitions provided for in par. (1) undergo expedited trial, and particularly, are resolved no later than within 48 hours. The provisions of Art. 200 of Law 134/2010, republished, as subsequently amended and supplemented, do not apply.

(3) The parties shall be summoned in accordance with the provisions regarding expedited trial summons, so as to ensure that the trial date provided for in par. (2) is respected, and legal counsel for the individual is mandatory.

(4) The provisions of Art. 15 par. (13)-(16) apply accordingly.

(5) The court can postpone the judgement by a maximum of 24 hours, and the ruling is written down the same day.

(6) The individual concerned shall be monitored by a physician daily or when the situation demands it, until the court judgement is passed.

(7) The judgement of the court of first instance is enforceable and can be appealed within two days of its notification.

(8) The appeal is resolved no later than 24 hours after the date when the complaint was brought before the court, and the provisions of par. (5) apply accordingly.

(9) If the court of first instance orders the annulment of the administrative action, the contested measure ceases from the moment that the judgement is passed, and the individual concerned has the right to leave the area or unit where he/she had been quarantined or isolated, as applicable, immediately.

(10) The disclosure of the procedural documents, including the recording of the complaint are carried out in electronic format and using electronic means.

Article 18

(1) Until the date of entry into force of the present law, the quarantine or isolation expenses, as well as the social security benefits corresponding to the medical leave established or granted for quarantine or isolation, as applicable, are covered in accordance with the regulatory actions in force on the day they were established or granted, respectively.  

(2) Until the date of entry into force of the Government decision provided for in Art. 8 par. (2), the provisions of the present law are incident to infections with SARS-CoV-2, denominated COVID-19.

Article 19

(1) If the public health department or the county or Bucharest inspectorate for emergency situations determines that there is a shortage of  medical personnel for the duration of the establishment of the public health measure, in epidemiological and biological risk situations, the specialized medical, paramedical and auxiliary personnel in the public system can be reassigned, with the consent of the reassigned individuals, and in the absence thereof, under the conditions of the present law, for at most 30 days, by order of the ministry of health, or of the heads of the Department for Emergency Situations or of the person designated by the latter, or, as applicable, of the head of the employer institution. 

(2) The measure provided for in par. (1) is ordered in case of a personnel shortage, when the establishment plan cannot be completed with the medical personnel that agrees to the reassignment, with volunteers or with military medical personnel and, at the motivated request of the county or Bucharest public health department, of the county or Bucharest inspectorate for emergency situations or of the National center for coordination and management of the intervention.

(3) For the duration of the reassignment ordered in accordance with par. (1), the reassigned individuals are guaranteed, additionally to the salary paid by the employer unit, the payment of the reassignment compensation amounting to 50% of the basic salary, the daily allowance of 2% of the basic salary, accommodation and transport to the reassignment location.

(4) The rights paid to the reassigned individuals are covered by the budget of the Ministry of Health, transport is ensured by the Inspectorate for Emergency Situations and accommodation by the institution that is provided the services by the reassigned individuals or, as applicable, by the administrative-territorial unit.

(5) The reassignment order issued in accordance with par. (1) can be contested within the legal term, with the competent administrative litigation court.

(6) The Ministry of Health together with the Department for Emergency Situations within the Ministry of Internal Affairs shall operationalize a national register of volunteers within the medical personnel for emergency situations.

Article 20

(1) For individuals in quarantine or isolation established until the entry into force of the present law, the medical leave certificates are granted in accordance with the regulatory actions in force at the date of granting.

(2) The medical leave and the quarantine compensation are granted to policyholders who are prohibited from continuing their activity, which cannot be carried out at home, on suspicion of a contagious disease, for the duration established in the certificate issued by the public health department.

(3) The medical leave certificate for quarantine is issued by the attending physician, based on the certificate issued by the specialized bodies within the public health departments.

(4) In case of quarantine or isolation, the medical leave certificates can be issued at a later date, but only for the current or previous month.

(5) The duration of the medical leave for quarantine or isolation is not cumulated with the duration of medical leaves granted to policyholders for other conditions.

(6) If the duration of the quarantine or isolation period established by the specialized bodies within the public health departments exceeds 90 days, the approval of the specialized social security physician is not necessary.

(7) The monthly gross amount of the compensation for quarantine or isolation is 100% of the calculation basis established according to law, and is covered entirely by the budget of the National Health Insurance Fund.

Article 21

(1) The temporary employment, without a recruitment contest, of medical personnel in healthcare units and in the lacking public health departments, and of emergency situation professionals within the General Inspectorate for Emergency situations and its subordinated units, is permitted, to  cover the shortage of medical personnel in the healthcare system as well as of emergency situation professionals within the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations, for the duration of the establishment of the epidemiological and biological risk situation.

(2) The additional financial requirements corresponding to the personnel expenses caused by the employment provided for in par. (1) shall be covered by the budgets of the line ministries, that is, by direct transfer from the National Health Insurance Fund.

This law was passed by the Parliament of Romania, respecting the provisions or Art. 75 and 76 par. (1) of the Romanian Constitution, republished.





Bucharest, July 18th 2020.

No. 136.