În textul de mai jos aveți tradusă în limba engleză Hotărârea pentru modificarea și completarea anexelor nr. 2 și 3 la Hotărârea Guvernului nr. 553/2020.
Romanian Government hereby adopts this decision.
Art. 1 – Annexes No. 2 and 3 to Government Decision No. 553/2020 on the extension of the state of alert on the Romanian territory as of 17 July 2020, as well as the establishment of the measures to be applied throughout such period to prevent and combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, No. 627 of 16 July 2020 shall be amended and supplemented as follows:
1. Annex No. 2, after Article 11 shall include a new Article, Art. 12, with the following content:
“Art. 12 – (1) In the application of Art. 5 para. (2) letter d) of Law no. 55/2020 on some measures to prevent and combat the effects of COVID-19 pandemic, as further amended, wearing a protective mask, so as to cover the nose and mouth is mandatory for all persons who have reached the age of 5, present in public open places, such as markets, fairs, waiting areas (bus stations, platforms and the like), sea fronts, areas where public celebrations or pilgrimages take place, outer part of tourist attractions, in certain time intervals, established by the decision of the County Committee / Bucharest Municipal Committee for Emergency Situations. The areas and time intervals shall be determined upon the proposal of the Public Health Division, by taking into account the probability of the simultaneous presence of a large number of people in those areas and within those time intervals, where there are difficulties in ensuring the physical distance necessary for health protection established under the law.
(2) The directors / owners of open public places established under para. (1) shall display in a visible place information regarding the obligation to wear a protective mask in those places, upon the request of the County Committee / Bucharest Municipal Committee for Emergency Situations.”
2. Article 2 of Annex No. 2 shall be amended and read as follows:
“Art. 2 – Compliance with the measures set forth in Art. 1 – 12 shall be monitored by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.”
3. Annex No. 3, after item 3 in Article 5 shall include three new items, items 4 – 6, with the following content:
“4. The economic operators carrying out their activity in the areas referred to in item 3, such as terraces, clubs, bars and the like are required to comply with the opening hours and the restrictions established by the decision of the National Committee for Emergency Situations, upon the proposal of the Technical and Scientific Support Working Group for the management of highly contagious diseases on the Romanian territory or of a County Committee / Bucharest Municipal Committee for Emergency Situations.
5. The measures set forth in item 4 shall be established for the administrative and territorial units where there is an intense community spread of the virus and/or an increasing number of persons infected with the SARS-COV-2 virus.
6. The economic operators carrying out their activity in the areas referred to in item 3 are required to take measures to limit the number of customers to the number of seats and any activities involving physical interaction between the customers.”
4. Annex No. 3, after item 4 in Article 8 shall include a new item, item 41, with the following content:
“4.1. The economic operators carrying out gambling activities are required to comply with the opening hours and the restrictions established by the decision of the National Committee for Emergency Situations, upon the proposal of the Technical and Scientific Support Working Group for the management of highly contagious diseases on the Romanian territory or of a County Committee / Bucharest Municipal Committee for Emergency Situations. The measures shall be established for the administrative and territorial units where there is an intense community spread of the virus and/or an increasing number of persons infected with the SARS-COV-2 virus.”
5. Paragraph (15) of Article 10 in Annex No. 3 shall be amended and read as follows:
“(15) The measures set forth in Art. 8 item 4 shall be applied by the Ministry for Economy, Energy and Business Environment and the Ministry of Health. Compliance with the measures set forth in Art. 8 items 4 and 41 shall be monitored by the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.”
Art. 2 – The measures set forth in Article 1 shall become effective upon the publication with the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I.